Digital Security |
World Wide Web has many benefits but along with them comes a
lot of risks hence comes the nickname Wild Wild Web. Here are the top 5 ricks
in 2015:
- 1. The Internet of Things
The connection of physical (coffee maker,
TV) to the internet
- 2. Ransomware
Malware that’s makes you not able to access
you pc if infected
- 3. Cyber Espionage
Hacking into government computers and
selling/giving informant to another country/company
- 4. Cyber Theft
Stealing of financial information
- 5. Insecure Passwords
Easy to guess passwords like birthday, name
just to name a few.
We as the users are mostly to blame for most of the bad
things that happen to us on the internet. We have this need to post very minute
of our lives on the web. Most of the things we put up for example on Facebook
like our hometowns can be used to hack our accounts. Based on the password
recovery which asks questions based on person information. You really never
know who’s on the internet this days, simple thing like connecting you TV or
car to the internet could lead to someone hacking into it and gathering
personal information, might even find your house empty. Cyber espionage,
information has been the reason for most wars since before technology,
technology has just made it so much easier to get. Almost every day you hear
about the 3000 deleted emails from Clinton’s private email account, if they can
hack into someone in the governments email how safe are we. Ransomware normal
everyday people don’t know how to protect themselves from this, most have out of
date antivirus software. Cyber theft has taken many victims, many people have
fallen for the sms and emails promising winnings and given people account
There is a way to be save on the web:
- 1. Have up to date antivirus software
- 2. Don’t have easy to guess passwords and don’t use easy to guess recovery password questions
- 3. Don’t open unknown emails/attachments
- 4. Always make sure you on a save line
- 5. Don’t response to winnings smses/emails if you didn’t enter a competition
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